
2024 Research Report Launch: Funding the Future

2024 Research Report Launch: Funding the Future

2024 Research Report Launch: Funding the Future

The Australian Investment Council and EY, are pleased to be launching our 2024 Research Report: Funding the Future: opportunities to grow Australia’s private capital investment, boost jobs and turn ideas into thriving businesses.

You are invited to attend the Report’s launch at a Breakfast Event at the EY Sydney office on Wednesday, 21 February featuring a panel discussion with Chester Moynihan, Navleen Prasad and Chris Paxton, moderated by Milan Milosevic, who will discuss the Report’s key findings.

Discussion Panel

Chester Moynihan
Founding Partner
Allegro Funds

Navleen Prasad
Chief Executive Office
Australian Investment Council

Chris Paxton
EY Port Jackson Partners

Milan Milosevic
Partner and Industry Market Leader
- Private Equity
EY Australia


With thanks to our hosts


The Australian Investment Council Event Terms and Condition can be viewed here.



8:00AM - 9:30AM



Level 34, 200 George Street

Sydney NSW 2000

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